I can listen to Allan Watts talk all day long and I certainty can  listen to this beautiful piece that has incorporated some of his words. If you have not previously heard of the late Allan Watts I suggest you look for some videos, audio recordings, lectures, books - he has been very active and productive man.

Anyone interested in philosophy, the meaning of life, life before and after death and other questions that mankind has been seeking answers for, you will get a pretty neat new angle on such topics once you get exposed to Allan Watts. Though, I must warn you : do not expect easy yes or no answers, for he can explain it for you but he cannot understand it for you.

Now, let me get back to the author of this track - Olli Brix, a Boston based musician performing in and mixing a variety of music genres. Visit his soundcloud profile and you will be submerged into hip hop beats, instrumental, ambient and more.

p.s. If you want something one step deeper than "Flowers in the Field" listen to this track next.

posted by Alex
August 2014