I rarely go back in time and think of songs I've obsessed with before. It's just... sometimes overwhelmingly much. What I often do, however, is try to trace back all the moments when a new genre came into my life. That, I actually find quite interesting and sometimes I try to link them together... which doesn't always work. So, some years ago I found John Butler and Ben Howard's music and I fell in love with acoustic music and tapping in particular. Since then I haven't found many artists who sparkle that obsession, which has always made me a bit sad. That changed yesterday.

Despite his name, Dave Savage's music is nothing near savage. It's the kind of music to touch your soul and heart and help you elevate above the daily grayness. I thought of bundle featuring some of his songs, but actually now I decided to separate those as they simply deserve your attention.

Lets start with "Whats in the Coffee Jar" - an absolutely gorgeous track from his new album Where Thoughts Wonder.

posted by Ivo
October 2017