I Am The Avalanche is a band I almost forgot about since they released their second album 6 years after the first one, but man, did they come out swingin'?! Their 2011 album Avalanche United is a definite must have especially if you have been a fan of their self titled one from 2005. I Am The Avalanche has matured so much and has grown as a band as well, so if they need another 6 years to come up with such an amazing record, I'm totally ok with that. If you are not familiar with their history, IATA was started by the vocalist Vinnie Caruana when his previous band The Movielife called it quits. So if you like IATA and Vinnie's voice, make sure to check them out as too.

It's really hard to pick the stand out track from Avalanche United because they are all great, so here is the one they selected for a single - "Brooklyn Dodgers":

posted by Staff
January 2013