Is it r&b, is it hip hop, is it soul… apart from the thick listening experience JIAER"Devil in Me" provides, it also delivers a sense of wonder since one can’t pigeon hole this into a specific genre. The use of trap drums is prevalent but when it comes to instrumentation, you’ll find yourself introduced to elements one would occasionally come across in Psych-Rock and even Electronica.

“I’m not myself right now”. This is a line which beautifully echoes during the chorus and basically describes the narrative of the track which explores themes of introspection and relationships. What I really loved was the pitch shifted vocals on the line "Devil in Me", the addition gives it so much more weight and impact behind it. It’s not just the songwriting I’m a fan of here…

The songwriting, vocal effects and the production gel so well together to craft something that is sensitive and simultaneously powerful.  If you’re into The Weekend’s older works, this is something for you.

posted by Lu
April 2019