Fans of Snoh Alegra, James Blake, and Frank Ocean will absolutely love this intimate piece crafted by Dutch artist and producer Juddah.

Dedicated on his fiance, Juddah blends future-inspired beats with silky r&b vocals and spacious ambiance. The track reek with honesty, which makes it so beautiful.

I wrote this song for my fiancée. She struggles with mental health issues. Some time ago she got admitted to a mental health clinic where she had to stay for a few months. That was for me the most difficult time of my life. I felt powerless, I wanted to help yet didn't know how. I decided that the least I could do is write a song for her in hope that it would express how I feel about her and remind her that she is not alone and never will be, that I will follow her, wherever she goes. I wrote and produced it myself.

posted by Ivo
June 2020