People rarely let strangers to know their personal stories. Usually the course of one's life with all the joy and sorrow  is reserved for family members and closest friends. However I have found a way to sneak into people's lives even though it is for a tiny fraction of their lifeline. Whenever I go to second-hand stores I absolutely love reading the first page of a book. Someone, few or many years ago gave a book as a gift and wrote a short message in it.  I like to imagine what wrapping it had, how he buzzed the door bell, all the smiley faces at the door step, "Please come on in..." and many many details jut by reading those few lines. I also find old postcards and just like the books they contain a lot of happy memories. These are the existing personal artifacts of joy.

The song or more precisely the confession of Old Gray is about the dark parts of life and it is open for anyone to listen. It is personal, emotional and haunting. Thank you for sharing this real life poem with us.


"Ailments become fragments of my imagination; I am encumbered by nothing. Hands in hand with a ghost of your former self, someone I once held away from the torments of situation; no longer am I strong enough- another voice has taken over, controlling, binding, leaving the person I am- fucking helpless, awaiting its next consensus. A face that is not there taunts me, breathing the same air that she held in her lungs, breaking, for it all seems so familiar. I have been lost and faded into this place, waking only to find it still surrounds me, blotting out the pain but with it, the comfort. For I was a being existing but absent of life, selective thoughts showing only bliss. Sifting through tarnished images of a past you were a part of, mind blanketed by memories- the ghost of your former self, someone I once held and time stood still. Time stood still, at least to us. At least to us."

posted by Alex
March 2013