posted by Boris
September 2021

In his first Fox Tales podcast as a host, our Stereofox teammate Lu is exploring music blogs' importance in 2021 with Dylan Heneck from Indie Shuffle and SubmitHub.

The 2 discuss what happened to music blogs, hypemachine, the highs and lows of writing about music in the past decade, the role of social media, SoundCloud, and Spotify on their diminishment and why should artists still care about them in 2021. Not only because of the fact that music blogs can still help them find die-hard fans and share their story, but their role in landing an editorial playlist on major streaming platforms like Spotify (Fresh Finds)teammate, Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer, and TIDAL.

If you prefer reading to listening, check out our detailed article. And if you like this one, listen to our other episodes.

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