I had Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Alone tracks lined up in a playlist as a soundtrack to a late afternoon reading session. As "Wolves" started pouring from my speakers for no logical reason I thought I should check out what people are saying about the record and naturally started scrolling down until I reached a (spammy in first impression) comment posted 2 months ago.

Trust me - any other day I would have just turn out my naturally developed ability to "hide" those stuff, but something made me read the comment and later on actually click on that person's YouTube profile. And there she was - one of the most talented songwriters I've come across in a long time. The mood song I've been looking for all day. Rebecca is only 17 years old, she's busking for money in order to pay for her instruments and other than that - she is just a raw talent. Touching voice and mesmerizing chords which channel the whole gamma of mellow feelings...

posted by Ivo
February 2014