I've been slowly growing extremely fond of Berlin-based Still Parade and their/his (not sure exactly) music. The kind of sounds which evoke a particular set of emotions suitable for a quiet Sunday night when you need to be alone and do some thinking.

Listening to "Health" for a long time on my bed put me in a weird state of semi-sleep. You know that particular phase where what's happening in your brain and reality blend together. When people are in a state of sleep the brain shuts down the section granting us our long-term memory ability and that's the main reason why we often cannot recall what exactly we dreamed of just a few minutes after waking. However, when you have the same/similar dream over and over again (which means it's some sort of reflection of your reality/emotions/experiences/something you deeply care about) we are able to recollect these images and visions more vividly.

"Health" is definitely something to put you into a state of meditation/sleep where you can explore the depths of your brain and emotions because sometimes it's easier to find answers when you space out and take a step out of reality.

posted by Ivo
November 2014