If you are not into the whole lets-go-to-a-resort-where-alcohol-is-cheap-and-drink-our-asses-off-while-music-is-blasting summer and prefer the type of vacation where ...well, laying down and drinking cocktails all day seems like an actual effort - dream/lo-fi pop is your kind of music.

Don't be surprised that Tape Waves's music is still relatively unknown - the duo have been Internet active for... just a few weeks! I reckon there is a huge wave of attention coming their way as these sounds are like the perfect soundtrack for the hot months ahead of us. I really love the slight lethargic feeling pouring out of the music and the comforting voice of the singer. I don't know about you guys, but I think that Jarod and Kim deserve the shoutout!

posted by Ivo
June 2013