I was in such a huge need to kick the week off with something positive and I'm so lucky I found it.

"Mastermind" comes from the collaboration between Danish guitarist, bassist & producer Tiny Anthem & rapper Juice Bruns. A perfect example of the kind of jazzy & soulful hip hop we absolutely adore, kinda reminding me of Tom Misch because of the slick guitars and the mellow vocals. Tiny Anthem shares:

I sent him some of my jazzy beats. To my luck, he replied quite fast and soon we started sending tracks and rhymes back and forth. We're going for a nice jazzy vibe with real instruments, no samples, and for this we even included a short guitar solo. We're both inspired by mellow and jazzy hiphop often with references back to the hiphop 'golden age' with artists like A Tribe Called Quest, Guru etc, but are also big fans of newer acts like Loyle Carner, Kofi Stone, Barney Artist etc.

posted by Nasko
January 2022