posted by Ivo
May 2014

Dune Rats. Three Australian dudes who don't give a fuck about anything and are in for some good times. I owe my obsession with their music to Iva's mind-blowing text for "Red Light, Green Light" from a year ago, but this time I'm stealing them *evil look*!

Slacking off as religion is the only thing which comes to my mind when listening to this surf-rock inspired positiveness "Funny Guy" which they released last month. Frankly said, the weekend is the perfect timing to obey that religion. Be a teenager, move constantly, do whatever makes you happy and not really care about stuff like age and norms of behaviour. These guys wake up the leftovers of my rebellious spirit and yeah, it's pretty damn awesome!

The video was shot in Paris... did I really needed to point the obvious? Meh, nevermind. Let's dance and jump and do silly faces!

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