Let this song be your Monday soundtrack. It is majestic, full of optimism and bursting with positive vibes. Do one thing you have been postponing for so long. Like your laundry for example, or wash (better throw away) that moldy dish that's been stuck at the back of your desk for the past two weeks.

Or the promise you gave yourself that you were going to the gym two months ago. It's time to change that. Give yourself a month more. Things get better - there are no realistic goals, only unrealistic deadlines, a wise old procrastinator once told me.

Dexter Britain, is a brilliant composer, producer and a songwriter. To make sure I am not fooling you can check his soundcloud page - it contains the amazing 221 tracks ( so far ) that range from classical to electronic. The epic soundtrack is part of the album Light of Life which you can download for free here or kindly name your price.

posted by Alex
March 2014