What a gorgeous story.

French producer Gabou (who's also a rapper & a singer) delivers this absolutely beautiful blend of guitars, keys & chill beats - the instrumental version of "Marin d'Eau Brousse". He explains the meaning behind it:

The track evokes love and sex through the duality of Land & Sea. The Land is weary of the Sea, but at the same time worships it, protects and cares for it. The Sea is free & wild. But relationships are as much a matter of the flesh than it is of tactics, they are like a game of Chess where players are not opponents but allies.

The title, in French, is a play on words between ‘Marin d’Eau Douce’ which means ‘Freshwater sailor’ and ‘Brousse’, which means ‘Scrubland’. It further embodies the theme of this track.

The track is a collaboration with US producer Lamar Azul and French guitarist Zifflock.

posted by Nasko
October 2020