As soon I got to the chorus, I immediately turned the volume louder on my PC! It's the echoes of "it's nothing personal" drifting over these glorious strings that have the potential to move one to tears.

Honestly, it's not that deep but the mood created here gives that illusion. I loved how his lyrics are somewhat vague, it's not like they are a reflection of his life. They are pretty much open to interpretation thus allowing us to paint our own picture. The riffs from the guitar are also reminiscent of "Holocene" by Bon Iver, which would inspire a rush of sentiment for those that are into Vernon's older works.

"Inspired by the deep but brief nature of friendships formed in hospice. This release coincides with Lind's record release, which consists of 7 songs similarly inspired by stories and reflections from hospice."

posted by Lu
October 2019