Okay, Man Overboard have been a guilty pleasure of mine for the past few years and honestly I'm pretty excited about their new record - Heart Attack. It is supposed to hit the stores on the 28th of May and will be brought to you by Rise Records.

Man Overboard is a pop punk band all the way, they are young, they are extremely catchy and they sing about relationships. The first song from their soon-to-be-released third record was revealed probably a month ago and it clearly showed the band got even better at what they do, you can give it a listen here. Then I found out that there will be a song on Heart Attack, called "Open Season" which will feature Geoff of the mighty Thursday and that got me really excited and curious. Finally the song was posted and I'm now sharing it with you.

Just for the record, Geoff sounds like he has been playing in a pop punk band all his life.

posted by Staff
April 2013