After writing about music for about 7 years now there's one thing that still doesn't happen very often to me, and when it does - I get beyond excited. While all of us on the team listen and love the tracks we feature, every once in a while the universe brings our way not only a beautiful song but exactly the one song, composition and lyrics we really need. That song that truly resonates with us in this exact moment of our lives and something that moves us internally.

This happens to me for the 2nd time with Rynn and it's official - I am in love with her music and voice. I featured her alt-pop gem "Before I Loved You" on my first day in Tenerife last year and back then it really marked what turned out to be amazing 5 weeks.

Needless to say, besides Rynn's gorgeous voice and the future bass-inspired ambiance, what's the pilar of the track is the lyrics. She shares...

"Blindspot" is about having that “omg how is this situation happening AGAIN” moment, and realizing a mental pattern I had started to develop when it came to certain relationships. I wrote it one summer day in my childhood bedroom, visiting my parents in Ohio when I was really sad because I realized I needed to let go of the idea of a certain relationship working out. When I started to take a step back from this situation I saw a “blindspot” in the way I was emotionally processing that situation, along with a few others in the past. Once I learned that tendency about myself, it helped me learn to consciously fight against it so I could move forward. 

This is, hands down, the most touching tracks I've heard in months.

posted by Ivo
June 2020