You can tell a song is good when it has 20,000 plays on Soundcloud, and the band has less than 500 fans on Facebook. This is the case with Smallpools' "Dreaming", a delightful piece of indie pop rock. "Dreaming," to me at least, is reminiscent of the famed Passion Pit, with a bit of a heavier rock sound into it. The overall song is unbelievably dance-able  with its catchy vocals and stellar synths. I can tell you that this is going to be one of my summer anthems, without a doubt.

Smallpools debuted their track on Neon Gold Thursday, and have only getting more and more support from blogs all around the world. So, after this track, what's next for the band? Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

posted by Staff
May 2013