Did you folks read the latest story " The terrible and wonderful reasons why I run long distances " by The Oatmeal? If you have not done it you should definitely check it out - it is a highly entertaining material on the subject of human flaws, vanity and true happiness.

In Part 5, the author was running up a mountain struggling with blazing 40 °C  heat (104 °F ), dehydration and muscle aches. On top of his physical exhaustion, the very real threat of being stung by giant Japanese hornets was emotionally depriving him of enjoying his run by constantly anticipating the fatal buzz kill.

Luckily for him, a vending machine and mother nature came to the rescue. Rejuvenated by the soda drink which apparently tasted "like the souls of ten thousand unborn panda bears" he was ready to continue with his adventure. The rain and lightnings that came with the storm cleared away the last obstacle in front of him - the deadly hornets.

This pivotal moment when he was entering the bamboo forest, revived and cleansed deserves a soundtrack and I believe I have one.

posted by Alex
July 2013