„Shitte Dae”, the latest track from Marcey Yates, joined by XOBOI and JaKeen Fox,  is here to lift your spirits!

With its infectious chorus, thanks to the beautiful soulful voice of JaKeen Fox, the song will spin around your head for a while. Like a mantra, which is meant to remind you that you’re in control! Whatever happens in your day, it’s your choice whether to allow it to put you down, or decide to keep your chin up.

Marcey Yates and XOBOI are sipping some fresh bars on top of the beat, sharing their own perspective on the topic of dealing with everyday struggles. Amongst the other dope lines, the one that I’d like to leave you with is another thing to keep in mind when things get crazy: “we all need to lay in the sunshine”.

So take a moment and breathe, while vibing with this track!

posted by Nora
July 2021