Truly uplifting and calming, “Speak Love” by Medisun enters your day to make it brighter.

 The song is meant to remind us to be attentive to the way we use words. It’s written amidst the lockdown, in a time when pretty much everyone, including Medisun himself, experienced a tough time. Despite that, the artist turned to music as a healing tool, determined to create something which will bring some positivity to the world.

Focusing on the healing power of song and words Medisun comments:

The therapeutic use of sound is the driving force behind all of the works, or bodies of work, on the horizon. Words can harm, deceive, divide, and destroy. They can also heal, enlighten, unite, and create. I aim to encourage people to choose the latter when speaking to self or others…Be mindful of the words you utter, especially to the young and impressionable, because what you transmit into them is often internalized and amplified in ways that affect us all... The power to create change is in being gentle with ourselves and others.

I hope the vibes and the message of the song inspire you and trigger the inner light within you.

posted by Nora
August 2021