Anna aka New Found Land is an artist from Goteborg, Sweden that is currently located in Berlin, Germany. I was searching for additional info about her personality, her interests and life in general and fortunately she runs a blog which provides plenty for me to read about.

A quote from her blog that I think sums up in few lines her music, her views on being alive.

"My music is very double-faced to me. And I am pretty moody at the moment. Or rather in this constant pendeling in between extreme euphoria/inspiration and total gloominess, thinking about life and death and time and stuff like that. Pretty unbearable thoughts. However, I’ve come to realize that I need to be like this from time to time. It makes me do the music and write the lyrics I do. And I guess I prefer living this extreme roller-coaster way, rather than to be on one straight path feeling simply fine."

In a similar manner these two songs represent 2 different but interconnected lines of her life.

posted by Alex
June 2013